Information on this website and our sales brochures
The content on our website (including details of the process of buying, selling or buying more shares of a shared ownership home) and in our sales brochures is provided for general information only. It is not intended to amount to advice on which you should rely. You must obtain legal and/or other professional advice before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of the content on our website or our sales brochures.
Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our website and sales brochures, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on our website or sales brochures is accurate, complete, or up to date. Please ask one of our Sales Consultants for the latest information.


In line with Anti-Money Laundering legislation, our procedure requires that you evidence the source of funds for your deposit or cash purchase. This can be a detailed bank statement which shows the account details, the saved amount, and also any periodic payments which have led to the amount being accrued. If you are a cash buyer and the source of funds is from either a house sale, windfall or inheritance, then you will also be required to evidence this.

The shared ownership specification provided in our brochure is non-negotiable. We have a policy of continuous improvement, and we reserve the right to change specification details, designs, floor plans and site plans at any time. Any computer generated images depict a typical future street scene of the development once completed. These particulars are intended as a guide only and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. While particulars are prepared in good faith, no responsibility is accepted as to their accuracy or for any other error, omission or misstatement made by us, people in our employment or our agents whether in the course of negotiation, in the particulars or otherwise.

Where a home includes photovoltaic (PV) panels, customer are not precluded from applying for an export tariff.  However, eligibility is not guaranteed and dependant on a number of factors.

Prices and rent figures of homes are correct at the time of advertisement and may be subject to change. 
Service charge figures shown are estimates only and may be subject to change.

Floor plans and images
Floor plans are provided for illustration purposes only. Layout of walls, doors, window fittings and appliances are shown conventionally, and are approximate only and cannot be relied upon. Properties may be left or right handed. The plans are not to scale nor accurate in detail. Window and external door configurations vary on selected plots - please consult with one of our Sales Consultants for details of your chosen property prior to reservation.
Floor areas shown are estimates only and should not be relied up on when ordering flooring and/or furnishings. 

Site plan
The development layout does not show details of gradients of land, boundary treatments, local authority street lighting or landscaping. It is our intention to build in accordance with this layout, however there may be some occasions when the house designs, boundaries and landscaping positions of roads and footpaths change, as the development progresses. Please consult with one of our Sales Consultants for details of your chosen property, prior to reservation. 

How we may use your personal information
We are committed to protecting and respecting your personal data and privacy. We are obliged to use your data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. How we use and collect personal data from you through your use of our website, your communications with third parties we work with or when you use our services is set out in our privacy notice.