LiveWest is working with South West Water in Plymouth to try and save our residents money going into the winter season.
Teaming up, we organised an advice door knock in Barne Barton, Plymouth to promote the water company's affordability scheme and check people are on the correct tariff for their water bills.
With a goal to help as many residents as possible with valuable water advice, the organisations joined forces to help raise awareness to the support available and continue to reduce energy bills.
We offered advice to over 400 homes in this area and provided support on how to save water, manage any debts, manage devices, and answer any questions residents may have.
Our residents, Sharon Moon and Mark Scoble, said: “It is really helpful that LiveWest are coming around and trying to save us money on our utility bills.”
We linked residents with South West Water and Plymouth Energy Community to help check they are on the lowest tariff they can be on.
We also let residents know about our Tenancy Sustainment team who can help if customers are facing any financial difficulties.
Alison Knight, our Community Connector, said: “This was a great opportunity for us to visit one of our communities and share how we are here to support our residents with advice for money and energy bills.
“From our visit, there have been over 30 residents who have appointments made so far with South West Water and we will continue to highlight the energy and water support we offer for residents in need.
”If you are struggling with your utility bills, topping up your metre or heating your home, please contact your water company or local community energy groups for advice as there may be further support, they can provide.”
If residents are struggling to pay their energy bills or use their heating, we referred them to Plymouth Energy Community who checked their benefits and advised about paying the lowest costs and saving energy. In Plymouth, they can also offer help to get gas reconnected if this is something the resident wants.
Tom Hunt, Community and Customer Liaison Officer at South West Water, said: “Going out into a community like this means that we can create opportunities for individuals who might not be able to bring themselves to dial the phone and ask for help themselves, to get the true support they need.
“I firmly believe that we have a responsibility to support each of our most vulnerable customers in the best way we can. I do this job because I want to help people who need it, and I feel that I have been able to make a difference on this occasion by going out into the community and knocking on these doors.”
If you are finding it hard to afford your energy bills, have difficulties with your supplier, or are struggling to stay warm at home in the winter, try contacting your local community energy group for help.
If you want more advice, you can go to our energy advice page or our water advice page.