16 July 2021 LiveWest joins national drive to re-connect our residents with nature We are working with Backyard Nature to increase the use of green spaces in our communities
21 June 2021 Supporting food banks across the South West We are delighted to play our part in helping to combat increasing levels of food poverty following the outbreak of Covid-19
4 June 2021 Keri providing volunteering support in Cornish communities Volunteers' Week is a time to celebrate our unsung heroes who have given up their own time during the pandemic to help people
4 June 2021 Volunteering at a vaccination centre brings joy to Sara As the nation's vaccination programme gathers pace, our Customer Engagement Team Leader has loved every minute of volunteering at a vaccination centre in Somerset
12 May 2021 Garden revamp brings joy to customers An overgrown garden has been transformed into a stunning outdoor living space for customers at a supported housing development in Bodmin.
28 April 2021 Annual review of our Together with Tenants initiative A review of our Together with Tenants initiative that aims to strengthen the relationship between residents and landlords
28 April 2021 Planting event enjoyed by community in Newquay Our Community Investment team work at the heart of our neighbourhoods and we took great delight in helping children in Newquay to start creating an edible landscape
20 April 2021 Military veterans will help build homes in Plymouth The scheme will provide former services personnel with some invaluable skills as part of the house building project
14 April 2021 Community hall gets wheelchair access boost As part of our grant funding, we are thrilled to be able to support community initiatives that benefit our customers
7 April 2021 Support group in Holsworthy claim Community Stars prize Support provided by community groups during the pandemic has been vital and we are delighted to celebrate the impact made by the Holsworthy Mutual Aid Support Group